Here's the story of chris X wynter
In west Birmingham born and raised
In the classroom is where I spent most of my days
Chillin out maxin, relaxin all cool
And I was shooting some golf outside of the school
When a couple of guys, they were up to some good
Started encouraging kids in my neighborhood
I got in little college and my mom got scared
And said, “Don’t move to Houston. It’s hot out there.”
I whistled for a cab and when it came near
The license plate said “Mane” and even towels on the mirror
If anything that I could say that Houston was rare but I thought naw forget holmes to Charlotte
I, pulled, up to Cedric’s house on the 7th or 8th
And I yelled to H-town, yo holmes smell ya later
I looked my kingdom I was finally there
To sit on my throne as the prince of Cabarr(us)
Wynter is a Detroit native who spends too much time napping and making silly posts on social media and not enough time gardening. She enjoys horror and sci-fi, dogs, laughing until she cries, and mess she isn’t involved in.
An arrogant Michigan alum and long-suffering but recently vindicated Lions fan who *tries* to spend non-sports watching days in the outdoors. She is a nuclear materials engineer at least until she wins the lottery that she never plays.